quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2011

Write on it

Top Australian property portal realestate.com.au has followed up its two latest marketing campaigns with the launch of a new Facebook-based competition called “Write On It.”

The competition encourages realestate.com.au’s Facebook fans to submit funny property descriptions based on a series of quirky property photos that will be released over a six-week period. Users are encouraged to share their submission with friends to garner support.

“Based on our history with social media initiatives we are excited to launch this competition because we know that our Facebook fans have an insatiable appetite for engaging with us via this medium,” says Joanne Whyte, realestate.com.au’s general manager of marketing communications and insights.

Source: www.realestate.com.au

segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011

Surfers Lodge Peniche- 4 Stars in Action!

This week has been very interesting for us.
The big machines have entered the site to tear down the old structure.
The builders are working hard so the demolition will be done sometime mid week.

This is a big step towards our end goal: Surfers Lodge Peniche!

sexta-feira, 6 de maio de 2011

A week´s worth of tweets

Many prominent golf companies, players and PGA instructors regularly take to Twitter to talk about their equipment and other aspects of their game. Here is a round-up of some of the most interesting golf-related Twitter entries from the week of April 25-May 1, featuring Geoff Ogilvy, Natalie Gulbis, Tiger Woods and more:

Tiger Woods
@TigerWoods I've had the same loft, lie, length, shafts since I was 15 years old.

@TigerWoods I have 14 of them. RT: @sicem7 Tin Cup's "never-miss" club was a 7 iron. Do you have a "never-miss" club? If so, what is it?

@TigerWoods Callous. RT: @daveairboss why do you have tape on your none glove hand is it for club positioning

Joel Sjoholm
@SwedishTORO Find a driver on the 11th today in the water floating. It might still be there..... ;-)

Rebecca Coakley Codd
@RebeccaCoakley Ok 5am start is never nice but today I don't mind, picking up my irons and wedges, also getting my new R11's reshafted thanks to @porterlee

Hank Haney, PGA
@HankDHaney Very good RT @pdock815: @HankDHaney what do ya think of Adams tight lies clubs

@HankDHaney Nothing at all wrong w used high end RT @Cameron_Marks: @HankDHaney Used price for high end irons or go moderately priced new?

@HankDHaney Really good clubs RT @KateEngler104: @HankDHaney Hey Hank, what do you think about the Callaway RAZR X irons? Ordering them

@HankDHaney Both very good, personal preference RT @mattparrado: @HankDHaney would you recommend the Titleist AP1 or AP2 to a 13 handicap.

TaylorMade Golf Europe
@TaylorMadeTour As well as being #1 on Tour, we're also officially the #1 selling driver brand in the UK, Germany, France & Sweden! Thanks all of you!

Will Starkweather, PGA
@wstarkweather I hate funky shafts like the bubble and fat shafts. New one I hate the vapor ultralight horrible idea to ever make these shafts.

Charlotte Mayorkas
@charmayorkas Wore my new @ASICSamerica polo today! Did you know they make golf shirts?! Breathable and awesome!

Source: www.pga.com

segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011


O sempre desafiante percurso do Golden Eagle, vai receber a 2ª Prova do Circuito Oeste Challenger.

Pares,Texas Scramble.

Os vencedores do Circuito ganham duas estadias em Marbella, num hotel de 5 estrelas com golfe.

Green Fee e almoço 50 €

Inscrições em: http://www.golf2all.com/

Sagres Preta Chocolate lança site feito integralmente em chocolate

A cerveja Sagres Preta Chocolate, desenvolvida pela Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, acaba de lançar o seu website, feito integralmente em chocolate. O objectivo desta iniciativa passa por reforçar a notoriedade da nova cerveja, lançada no mercado no mês passado.

Para a concretização do site, feito inteiramente em chocolate, os mestres chocolateiros utilizaram 60 Kg de chocolate e foram necessárias 80 horas para elaborar todas as peças que compõem o site. Cada uma das peças foi produzida individualmente em chocolate, depois fotografada, montada pelos programadores e por último animada em flash. A Grand Union, foi a agência de new media responsável pelo conceito e implementação do website.

Todo o processo de produção da página da cerveja Sagres Preta Chocolate pode ser visto no vídeo do Baking Of na própria página.

Desde a passada sexta-feira, 29 de Fevereiro, e até ao final do mês de Maio vai decorrer um passatempo na página oficial da Sagres, no Facebook e na página de Sagres Preta Chocolate, no qual os participantes vão poder ganhar não só uma parte do site em chocolate, mas também um six pack para experimentar este produto de edição limitada.
