sexta-feira, 6 de maio de 2011

A week´s worth of tweets

Many prominent golf companies, players and PGA instructors regularly take to Twitter to talk about their equipment and other aspects of their game. Here is a round-up of some of the most interesting golf-related Twitter entries from the week of April 25-May 1, featuring Geoff Ogilvy, Natalie Gulbis, Tiger Woods and more:

Tiger Woods
@TigerWoods I've had the same loft, lie, length, shafts since I was 15 years old.

@TigerWoods I have 14 of them. RT: @sicem7 Tin Cup's "never-miss" club was a 7 iron. Do you have a "never-miss" club? If so, what is it?

@TigerWoods Callous. RT: @daveairboss why do you have tape on your none glove hand is it for club positioning

Joel Sjoholm
@SwedishTORO Find a driver on the 11th today in the water floating. It might still be there..... ;-)

Rebecca Coakley Codd
@RebeccaCoakley Ok 5am start is never nice but today I don't mind, picking up my irons and wedges, also getting my new R11's reshafted thanks to @porterlee

Hank Haney, PGA
@HankDHaney Very good RT @pdock815: @HankDHaney what do ya think of Adams tight lies clubs

@HankDHaney Nothing at all wrong w used high end RT @Cameron_Marks: @HankDHaney Used price for high end irons or go moderately priced new?

@HankDHaney Really good clubs RT @KateEngler104: @HankDHaney Hey Hank, what do you think about the Callaway RAZR X irons? Ordering them

@HankDHaney Both very good, personal preference RT @mattparrado: @HankDHaney would you recommend the Titleist AP1 or AP2 to a 13 handicap.

TaylorMade Golf Europe
@TaylorMadeTour As well as being #1 on Tour, we're also officially the #1 selling driver brand in the UK, Germany, France & Sweden! Thanks all of you!

Will Starkweather, PGA
@wstarkweather I hate funky shafts like the bubble and fat shafts. New one I hate the vapor ultralight horrible idea to ever make these shafts.

Charlotte Mayorkas
@charmayorkas Wore my new @ASICSamerica polo today! Did you know they make golf shirts?! Breathable and awesome!


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